Meet THE Collective
Each death doula brings their own wisdom, education, and lived experiences to their work. If you would like to speak with a particular doula, please reach out to them individually at their contact information below.
If you have general questions about becoming a doula, doula courses and education, or mentorship opportunities, please see our frequently asked questions page.
If you would like to become a member of the collective or be added to our directory, please fill out our membership form.
Sandi comes from a long line of healers and has had an intimate relationship with death since she was born. Sandi completed her training with Lifespan Doulas. By explaining the gentle way we leave this world and offering an abundance of love and comfort, Sandi minimizes the fear of death while helping souls cross over. Sandi is fluent in Spanish and her Mexican culture inspires her to bring the tradition and practice of home funerals to American culture. She volunteers with hospice and IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies, is certified in reiki healing and is an ordained minister.
Email: sandibianchi@gmail.com
Pamela completed training as a Death Doula and End-of-Life Planner through Going with Grace and is proficient with the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance. She volunteers with AccentCare Hospice and Palliative Care and with the No One Dies Alone initiative and holds a BA in Communication Arts and a MA in Interior Design. She is reiki and 200-hour yoga teacher training certified. Her interest in storytelling helps create opportunities for legacy, ritual, meaning making and life review through a variety of mediums.
Email: closingceremonychicago@gmail.com
Nicole was an elementary school teacher for over a decade before transitioning into doula work. She sees a natural connection between the two vocations - it’s all about listening to what someone needs and guiding more than telling anyone what to do. A doula is a conduit of information; a big part of the job is to help a client explore what a “good death” is for them. Nicole trained with International Doula Life Movement (IDLM) and holds her proficiency badge from NEDA. She is an expert in advance care planning, and also offers a range of other services.
Email: windingpathdoula@gmail.com
Alejandro is a clinical massage therapist, yoga teacher, dream worker, musician, and grief advocate. He has hosted Death Cafes since 2018. He was a consultant for Be Strong Families in creating their Grief Compass: Navigating Trauma and Loss cafe deck and has been featured in the Chicago Reader.
Email: alej.salinaslmt@gmail.com
Erica Reid Gerdes
Erica (she/her) is a NEDA Proficient Death and Transition Doula working in the Northside of Chicago. She completed her doula training with Going with Grace in April of 2021. Her focuses are memorial rituals/ remembrances, legacy work, facilitating family conversations around end of life, obituary writing, active end of life care, and cancer treatment support.
Email: ericareid@gmail.com
Patrice is a NEDA Proficient Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner for End of Life Care. A trained End of Life Doula and Certified Transpersonal Hypnotist, Patrice offers before and after life care services that utilize holistic healing modalities such as The Emotional Freedom Technique, Auriculotherapy, Flower Essences, and more, that can enhance the quality of life for the person transitioning and assist the loved ones and caregivers through the grief process. She is currently a Mortuary Science student and advocate for home funerals.
Email: ladyp@ladyp3rdeye.com
Ali specializes in life transitions and community development. Over the years, Ali has worked to foster individual growth while nurturing community and creativity. Ali has her Death Doula certificate from the Conscious Dying Institute, Hospice Volunteer Certification from Ascension Hospice and Palliative Care and is a member of NEDA. She also holds a MA in Arts Administration from The School of the Art Institute and a BA in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Email: ali@alicole.com
Anna graduated from Macalester College with a BA in cultural anthropology and is currently working towards her Masters of Divinity and Interreligious Chaplaincy certification. She is a 200-hour trained yoga instructor and INELDA-trained Death Doula. Her areas of focus include legacy projects, meditation, sitting vigil and yoga.
Email: annaczeisel@gmail.com
Chana received their online death doula certificate in 2022 and is currently a nursing student pursuing their BSN. Chana finds helping families through transitions very rewarding and believes that death care work is their heart’s true calling.
Email: cmharvey81217@gmail.com
Holly became a certified death doula in October 2023 after being a supportive presence for several loved ones as they were dying. As death is a huge part of life and every day we get closer to it, Holly strives to help people find comfort and beauty in death, versus being scared. Holly utilizes planning and coordination skills while working in commercial production, and is also a yoga instructor certified in meditation.
Email: hollyhoulf@gmail.com
Garrett Schwindt is a Marriage and Family Therapist. At the heart of it, Garrett thinks therapy is a process fueled by curiosity and believes that deepening your understanding of past experiences can contextualize what’s happening in your current situation, creating a path toward progress and healing. Therapy offers us a chance to collaborate on the issues you’re facing. Garrett thinks of their training simply as a tool to use to explore your lived experiences and foster change.
Email: garrett@gracecft.com
Jordan is a Licensed Funeral Director and Certified Death Doula with specialties in queer and trans communities and post-death care. Jordan left the traditional funeral industry to create their own space and is dedicated to changing the conversation around death care, putting the rights into the hands of clients.
Email: roseendoflife@gmail.com
Lori is an Evanston resident and serves the community as an End-of-Life Doula and an Advanced Care Planner. She is also a hospice and dog therapy volunteer. As founder of Nightingale Crossings (www.nightingalecrossings.com), she strives to provide compassionate care to disarm the fear surrounding death, honor the process, and work towards a “good” death for all of end-of-life clients. She is honored to be trusted, both in advanced planning and in end-of-life support for those nearing the end-of-life, as well as their family members. Lori has received End-of-Life Doula Certifications from the Doulagivers Institute and the University of Vermont and Certifications in Elder Care and Advanced Care Consulting from the Doulagivers Institute. She is a member of the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA) and is “NEDA Proficient”. She holds an M.B.A. from the University of Leuven, Belgium and a B.S. from Indiana University.
Email: nightingalecrossings@gmail.com
Mary is a licensed clinical massage therapist and natural healer who holds space for the grieving person and their family. She is a certified full-spectrum doula in birth, end of life, and perinatal loss. She has specialized certification as a grief massage therapist and trained in Japanese Zen Shiatsu bodywork. Her chosen modalities improve the experience of death, dying and grieving for her clients and their families. Mary can attend someone at their end of life with massage and shiatsu or offer grief massage for those who have experienced any for of loss, either of a person, place, animal, or object. Her vision for end of life care includes a world where death is not feared, but embraced and respected as a natural part of life through community education, collaborative conversations, and healthy touch. In her free time, she enjoys dancing with fire and making music.
Email: maryphelpsbusiness@outlook.com
Rebecca is a certified death doula through Going With Grace. Rebecca has a multicultural background, having grown up primarily in Ukraine. Rebecca’s work as a death doula is influenced by their background as a yoga teacher, theater artist, and witchcraft practitioner, as well as influenced by their spirituality. Rebecca has a specific passion for helping communities dealing with violence and cares about preserving and educating regarding cultural practices around death while keeping ancient traditions alive in the modern day.
Email: rebeccaewatkins95@gmail.com
Tanya is a death doula, writer and storyteller, with a Master’s in Human Services with a focus on family crisis, grief and bereavement. Tanya is passionate about helping individuals learn to cope with complicated grief and family crisis that grief can sometimes cause or exacerbate. Tanya facilitates an online grief support group, and is the author of “The Dirty Side of Grief”, a blog that focuses on restoring or building a meaningful quality of life while trying to cope with complicated grief. Tanya works as a part-time death doula, helping individuals during the final stages of their lives by offering logistical planning for the time before, during and after of death; coordinating vigils or comforting practices; helping the dying person reflect on their life and values; and explaining the bodily functions of dying to caregivers.
Email: tanyacharita@gmail.com
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions represented by individual doulas listed above belong to them solely and do not represent those of of the Chicago Death Doula Collective (CDDC), who may or may not be associated within professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. All content provided here is for informational purposes only. The CDDC makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The CDDC will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information, nor for the availability of this information. The CDDC will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. The members of the CDDC are not licensed medical professionals, do not diagnose or treat any diseases or illnesses, or prescribe any medications, and provide non-medical services only.